The Horace Hagedorn Foundation is partnering with Sustainable Long Island (co-founded by Amy and Horace Hagedorn) and the public and private sectors to construct three environmentally responsible “green” buildings in the communities of Wyandanch, Roosevelt and Riverhead.
The Hagedorn Hubs will be among Long Island’s first green buildings. The Hubs will embrace and incorporate the results of community revitalization visioning processes conducted in each of these three communities.
While each Hagedorn Hub will be unique, all of the Hubs will share certain characteristics. They will:
• Embrace environmentally sound, smart growth principles.
• Be designed from the ground up utilizing green architecture.
• Provide shared space for nonprofits, affordable rental housing and rateable commercial rental space that will contribute to affordability.
• Utilize the latest technology, including wind power, solar power, recycled materials and cutting-edge building technologies.
• Represent a collaborative effort between the community, municipalities, The Horace Hagedorn Foundation and Sustainable Long Island.